Finance Analysis represents organization’s Finances with their sales, spend, net sales, what are the cost of goods, marketing, sales expenses, warehousing with detail understanding of all finance material.
Financial Dashboard & Analytics Reports
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1. Account Payable Overview
- It gives overall details balance, adjustment, bill, checks and deposits. It also gives balance and amount by type of transection over time
2. Account Payable Analysis
- Focuses on party wise payable amount. It analyses Time based Bill, Bill payment check, deposits and general
3. Account Payable Aging
- Monitors pending bill amount based on selection of time by creating various bucket
- It also analyse party wise balance and bucket wise remaining bills
4. Account Receivable overview
- It examines receivable amount by types invoice, payment, credit memo, check, and general Journal
5. Account Receivable Analysis
- It analysis time based what are the target and actual receivable by time
- It also analyse party wise credit amount and receivable amount
6. Account Receivable Aging
- It gives receivable details of balance over time and various buckets of days with amount receivable on selection of specific time
7. Profit Loss overview
- Examine profit and los details with what are net sales, gross sales, gross margin with margin after marketing, sales expense, and marketing and what is the operating income vs expense
- It also gives category wise % net sales
8. Profit Loss Analysis
- It gives account name, party, and transaction type wise net amount and selected KPI wise time-based net sales
9. Profit Loss budget vs actual
- Analyse budget vs net amount by category and category wise budget vs actual
10. Profit Loss Details
- It gives gross sales, trend spend, cost of goods, marketing, general administrative, sales expense by account Name and net sales