SharePoint Modern Chart Web Part

The Modern Charts webpart shows the SharePoint list data in different charts and user can choose charts type which he/she want to show in page, Each chart is uniquely themed with the built-in colour theme generator (colour-scheme).

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Webpart Details:

Modern Charts

Yes, SharePoint Online tenant with Office Graph content-enabled


Webpart Configuration:

General Options

Provide valid license key

Provides webpart title

Select number of charts which you want to show

Select number of items which you want to show in graph

Chart 1 Configuration

Provide chart title

Provide description of chart

Select chart type which chart you want to show

Using this button user can able to change chart themes

Select data source of your data

This field enabled when you have selected “Other site" option in chart data source

Select data source of list

Select your label column from the list

Select your data column from the list

Select unique data column from the list

Select operations type which you want to do in graph based on your data (e.g. Average, Count, Sum)